Water softeners and private sewage treatment plants

Written by James Ridout, James Ridout | Posted Wednesday, September 23rd, 2020
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We have had an email from a potential customer. It contained the following from a sewage treatment specialist who has had 30 years experience.

Commercial Water Softeners: Two problems for sewage plants:

1)They reduce alkalinity by removing the calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+) ions of water.

2)The create a brine like regenerate when the back-wash

Wastewater treatment requires alkalinity (as CaC03) and a PH of at least 6.8

Ammonium (NH4-N) is a major pollutant in wastewater. Without sufficient alkalinity, a sewage treatment plant will not nitrify and thus will not remove ammonium from the wastewater.

Aerobic wastewater operations are net-acid producing.  Alkalinity in the water is vital to buffer any pH changes.  The pH inside a sewage treatment plant should be between 7-9, with 8.5 being the optimal for nitrification (at 20°C) and 7-7.4 being the optimal overall.

Cleaning The Ion Exchanger

To clean the ion exchanger in a water softener, sodium and potassium salts (NaCl and KCl) are used to backwash the system.  The backwash water has a very high salt content that will kill the bacteria in a sewage treatment plant and prevent it from working if the backwash water enters the foul drains.

If a water softener is installed, or the incoming water does not have sufficient alkalinity (hardness), alkalinity will need to be dosed into the sewage treatment plant to ensure it functions correctly.”

A Conditioner is Different

They wanted to know if they would get the same problem if they used Aquabion as an alternative to a water softener. The answer is no because we are not removing the calcium or magnesium from the water nor are we replacing these ions with sodium. There is no backwash system using the salt-laden water so your private sewage treatment plant is safe. If you don’t have your own system you might still want to know that the salt doesn’t get removed from the sewage and therefore will be discharged typically into your local river.


Your AQUABION – system has been operating successfully in our company for
some time in a humidifier of an air – conditioning system.

Mr Geist and Mr Blunck of Bosch

A truly remarkable piece of kit. Like everyone I was a bit sceptical at first but this unit has been fit and forget and so easy to install. We are a hard water area and limescale was an unsightly problem but is now a thing of the past. Unit starting its 5th year in use and no deterioration in performance noticed yet.

Graham Martin

We have very hard water and lime scale is a problem for all appliances and particularly the shower. Had a refit recently and incorporated an Aquabion Mini …. only a month in but looks good. Will be adding one to washing machine soon … as we have been through 3 machines in 10 years

Julian Humphreys
Since we have had this product fitted our water has been great for our skin, great for our dishwasher and washing machines as we notice our clothes feel fresher.  I would recommend this product to my friends and further suggest that this product will save you money in the long term as it will reduce issues with pipe clogging up. All new homes being built in a hard water area should have this product fitted as a mandatory instruction for all builders
Ken Murphy
Aquabion, The Highest Quality German Engineered, Limescale Destroying Product Looks After Your Home, Your Business and Yourself we have become the proud sponsors of an Elephant Pump in Africa Aquabion, The Highest Quality German Engineered, Limescale Destroying Product Looks After Your Home, Your Business and Yourself Aquabion, The Highest Quality German Engineered, Limescale Destroying Product Looks After Your Home, Your Business and Yourself Aquabion, The Highest Quality German Engineered, Limescale Destroying Product Looks After Your Home, Your Business and Yourself Aquabion, The Highest Quality German Engineered, Limescale Destroying Product Looks After Your Home, Your Business and Yourself Aquabion, The Highest Quality German Engineered, Limescale Destroying Product Looks After Your Home, Your Business and Yourself Aquabion, The Highest Quality German Engineered, Limescale Destroying Product Looks After Your Home, Your Business and Yourself Aquabion, The Highest Quality German Engineered, Limescale Destroying Product Looks After Your Home, Your Business and Yourself